
I think we can all agree that 2020 was a rough year. A story we heard over and over was that kids were being punished because they couldn’t afford their lunches, or - in other words - were going into lunch debt.

How can we let that happen in the richest country in the world? Instead of complaining about it, our family decided to do something about it. We started Not One Hungry Child Hauling with the intention of providing a service to our community and taking a significant portion of the money we make and giving it back to our community. How you ask? In the form of donations to local charities and organizations that focus on ensuring that every child in our community is fed. Period.

Lunch debt? We want to pay it off!

Not enough money to fund a before school breakfast program? We want to help fund it!

Anywhere, anyhow, if there is a child who needs a meal we want to be a part of the solution.